One looks at those arrested, and finds there is nothing to see. The police have kept them from the public by means of the ISA. The police make public statements against them, but no evidence is presented to verify that the stories are true. The police have such low credibility the public cannot believe any statement they make; and this is true even in a matter so modest as a traffic summons. Their statements are not accepted because they admit under oath that they are willing to lie on the orders of superiors.
In Malaysia there is no press freedom, and no investigative journalism. Even when everyone knows the government is carrying out an elaborate drama to fool the public, the media is not allowed access to the truth. If the truth is discovered, it is not allowed to be printed or broadcast. Lawyers, paid by the government to provide a defense, give every appearance of doing just the opposite. Do they unethically accept the government fee NOT to offer a defense? Defendants are thus doubly endangered; even when a trial is allowed, the rules are bent so that they are not allowed to enter a defense, and the attorneys provided by the government do not provide competent service. There is a mild outward appearance that a fair trial is held, when in actuality it is all a sham.
The Al Maunah members were not given an opportunity to defend themselves, and have been kept from public access. They have been tortured until many are no longer competent to tell their side of the story. The recent arrests of more "terrorists" have also been under the ISA, and none have been allowed to offer any rebuttal to the stories told of their activities. Those released under a writ of habeas corpus state that there was no interrogation remotely resembling terrorism, but focused on discovering the strategy and personal weaknesses of active opposition figures. Much interrogation time is spent in "turning over," the Malaysian term for what is known since the Korean war as "brainwashing." The Americans may be gullible, having ulterior motives which make the farce palatable, but the Malaysian public is thoroughly disgusted with the PM, his Cabinet, and the police, over the manner in which these people have been treated.
Though the PM goes to the US as though there is something to be proud of, in truth he should hang his head in shame. Rather than a fighter against terrorist acts, he is himself the master terrorist, keeping the Malaysian people in fear and apprehension of his cruelty and insatiable greed for power and recognition. His psychological profile prominently points to deprivation of praise and paucity of ego satisfaction. In order to satisfy an inferiority complex, he undermines Malaysia's democratic institutions. He coldly makes any number of widows and orphans weep, with not a tear to shed while the insane and irrational cruelty he orders falls upon their fathers.
He states today that he is "a Muslim, and all Muslims are brothers." He does not act like a Muslim brother anyone would recognise. He has no respect for the truth. Muslims know that all lies are corrosive to the soul, and prevent any contact with Allah. Cruelty to other Muslims (or anyone, for that matter) is strictly forbidden, yet his desire for power in public office is stronger than his desire to be kind and compassionate. He has chosen power and politics over personal concern for his spiritual health. As a politician he cannot be honest and truthful. He says he does not know who was head of Tabung Haji when RM 600 millions went missing, yet he certainly knows he appointed his brother-in-law to the office.
He has given numerous promises that a White Paper or ACA investigation would bring all the facts to light, that the culprits would be brought to justice. Yet none of these papers has appeared, and the public now has no confidence that an honest effort is being made. Numerous allegations of malfeasance by UMNO ministers have been made, with police reports filed. Yet he has not allowed any of these matters to be pursued. To the contrary, he is alleged to have interfered in the process of justice by ordering a cover up.
He states that he is concerned for public morality, that Anwar Ibrahim is unfit for public office because of the charges trumped up against him. Yet the Attorney General who brought the false case was elevated to the highest court on his recommendation. Now another prosecutor, who was accused of manufacturing false evidence, has been appointed by the PM to be the new Attorney General. He now acts in this post illegally, not having been constitutionally installed, and though every prosecution in Malaysia is placed in jeopardy, the PM fails to correct this egregious error. In the matter of morality, the PM refuses to look closely at the members of his government.
There are always charades on the world stage, and the public has grown accustomed to the shallowness of the gilded tapestries, the expensive gowns and the insincere smiles. The red carpets may be bright and new, but the feet that tread on them have crooked toes.
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