Sep 10, 2004
The future is generally accepted to be a mystery. Logicians assure us that a man who knows the future today can act boldly to enjoy a good fortune for himself on the morrow. But the foresight needed to see the future clearly is known only to the very wise, and sadly, by the time one becomes wise, there is often little time left to act.
A few things can be said in advance of the future that are incontrovertible. Some of these things are said herein, with the understanding that no attempt is made to foretell the future, only to describe, as accurately as one may, the realities of the present.
The present is important as an analytical database, because to the astute it provides the only known reality, a reality that is always precursor to the future. The present is thus al qaeda (Arabic: al = the, qaeda = foundation) of all that is to follow, and it is the careful examination of this foundation that provides the best forecast that can be made for the future.
In economic circles, it is often said the stock market reliably foretells general economic conditions six months ahead. If this indicator is used to provide us with an accurate prediction of the economic future of the United States for the next half year, we can be confident that there are no sharp transitions to be expected. It is unnecessary to quibble with this indicator, and we leave it without comment to those who take comfort in it.
It is important, however, to look into the situation the world faces under the leadership of politicians who have turned from the most fundamental principle of ethics, the respect for truth. Looking closely at the present circumstances, we see the man whose finger is on the nuclear button, the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful army on the planet, cannot distinquish between what is best for mankind and what is best for himself and his wealthy, greedy, arrogant associates. We see that the US, British, Australian and Israeli leaders are pals in a pluralistic pursuit of political and economic contro;, if not outright domination, of the world and its resources.
These men consort together in the secret business of spying on everyone else, and reveal what they discover to no one. When they act, it is often from caprice and malice, rather than prudence and respect for the safety and property of others. It is a matter of major concern, but it is not one appreciated by a significant number of citizens whose views matter. The popularity polls of these heralded 'democracies' show their populace is largely unmoved at learning they are being led by liars. The present situation says things will continue as before, and it is this reality that provides the most reliable foundation for the future.
We look now at the second fundamental trait of the present, the prevailing condition that provides predictive value. This second distressing observation is the ignorance of those who are making the decisions. Combined with this ignorance is the fact that the ignorant leaders are ignorant of their ignorance. They do not know that they do not know.
We come gently now to those who are under the sway and dominion of their ignorant leaders, the people, who are themselves also ignorant, not only from lack of interest in seeking the truth, but from a fundamental unwillingness to challenge the lies they are told daily by their leaders. They have a basic condition of ignorance, of which they are unaware, and thus have no incentive to improve their pitiful condition.
When the people are told that they cannot be told the facts for "national security reasons," they obediently acquiesce, and question no further. They ask neither to know what national security is threatened, nor how much they are paying in tax dollars to maintain themselves in ignorance.
The third present reality is the indifference the people who are lied to have toward the act of lying itself. In an earlier time, if the leader looked into the TV and told a blatant lie, he was never forgiven for it, and as soon as possible he was forced to resign his office and authority. At the present time, the leader can lie, repeatedly lie, and there is no noticeable reaction in the people who are lied to. They buy the lie as though it were a new golden truth, spun from straw by a new Rumpelstiltskin.
The leader-who-lies is allowed to say that in deciding to go to war against Iraq he "made a mistake," and though a hundred billion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives are lost, he is given grace to make more mistakes. The present is thus seen to be tainted by a leadership of mistake-makers, who are joined by a coterie of forgiving fellow mistake-makers, and this fact foretells a future of further misfortunate mistakes.
The present policy is to continue as before, for the reason that it provides a hallowed respect for the past. The people are told by their lying leaders that the poisonous policy, that has brought untold misfortune and death to unknown numbers of mankind, must be continued, out of respect for those who have died, otherwise the fallen will "have died in vain."
At the present time the leaders say that the death and destruction underway is necessary in order to bring peace, freedom, democracy, and stability to those areas they have destroyed through daily conflict. The lying leaders say that elections are to be held, and that the majority of the people who vote will be respected. In this way the people will get the government they want, or so the dubious people are told, and afterwards they will be free. There will be peace in the streets, the internal fighting will end, and there will be a stable civil society. In order to achieve this goal, a mean military dictator, who had decided to sell Iraq's oil in EU's, was "mistakenly" removed by invasion and bombing the urban centers.
The scenario the lying leaders describe is not just a lie, it is an ignoble lie. It is not a "mistake," it is a cold, calculated, deliberate attack and invasion, an act of defiance against the unified and loudly voiced objections of the peoples of the world. In order to clearly see the truth of the matter, to view the lie against a plain backdrop, one must examine the situation prior to September, 2001. Iraq was then, as it is now, a Muslim country. If they have an election they will go to the polls to vote on a selection of Muslim candidates. They will vote to establish an Islamic state, one in which the majority of voters are of the Shia persuasion.
The persuasion of the potential voters of Iraq was known prior to September, 2001. The fact that Iran was a neighboring Islamic country, having an Islamic government of the Shia faith, was known throughout the world. It was clear to everyone that if Saddam Hussein were removed from office, by persuasion or by force, the people of Iraq would then certainly form a new Islamic government in close concert with Iran. This outcome was known, yet the invasion, under the pretense of WMD, was planned even BEFORE September 2001. It is impossible for a reasonable person to believe there was ever an intent to allow freedom and democracy in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was removed from power.
The present situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is a continuing death drain on the Western economies, in manpower, equipment, finances, along with the loss of goodwill from all other countries. In previous articles the nature and amount of the continuing financial losses were detailed, and these will not be repeated. The monthly totals continue to increase, and this trend may be expected to continue, making it more certain the major economies of the world will be unable to significantly pay down their debt in the near decades.
A further fact providing al qaeda for the future, is the inability or unwillingness of the lying leaders to admit the danger of the present course of financial imprudence. Massive and unpayable public debt has put a number of countries into default in the recent past, and the present debt level of the corrupt coallition should be recognised as a danger, not only to the countries involved, but to the entire world financial system.
Having said the above, which may be discounted according to to personal taste, we turn now to the world of terror. After September 2001, the US president "declared war on terrorism." Recently the same US president admitted in a televised interview, that the "war on terror could never be won." This statement was soon spun by his aides in the White House to indicate he meant no encouragement to the "terrorists." The war, earlier said to be for a duration of at least "fifty years," was to continue with renewed determination, indefinitely, in spite of his view that it cannot be won.
Iraq is his war, his mistake, his calculated misadventure of the insurgency outcome, a war that is completely unrelated to his war on terror, and he now sees that "it cannot be won." Yet he insists the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is to continue indefinitely. To a casual observer on the sidelines, there have perhaps been bigger fools, bolder friends of folly, but none readily come to mind.
We come now to the hard truth of the matter. The present population of the world is over six billion, and most of these people are opposed to the policy of the US, Britain, Australia and Israel. We estimate that those opposed number over 5.5 billion. From a statistical perspective, around 1% of them have high levels of intelligence, nearing the genius category. That is around 55 million people. As a conservative estimate, there are ten million young men of genius level intellectual ability among the opponents of US policy, living inside and outside the aggressive countries, most of them scattered throughout the balance of the world. These ten million young men are becoming increasingly angry at the statements made by the lying leaders, and even angrier at the actions they see involving their military forces.
If ten million young men of genius level intellectual ability have as their long-term, primary goal to humble a country or a group of allied countries, in order to bring back sanity, to force a retreat from a position seen as arrogance based on economic and military superiority, then the country or group of countries face a serious problem. It is the failure of the lying leaders to understand the nature of this problem, to be unaware that it exists, preventing any possibility the aggressors could take the necessary steps to remove the causes of anger and discontent, that provides the greatest insight into the future.
It is neither wise nor necessary to provide the details of suggestive acts to individuals of a violent and destructive disposition, acting from an aggravated motivation. This is avoidable, while at the same time giving an slight indication why the present prescriptions offered are merely palliatives to prevent public pain from the fright of hypothetical terrorist acts. The shameless politician paints a purely palliative picture, primarily to prevent a panicky populace from making an independent appraisal, an accurate appreciation of the possible and potential terrorist projects, all unpreventable, even by the most profound political savvy and protracted public agency vigilance.
Any introductory pathogenic microbiology text reveals the many simple, yet potent threats that exist to public health, their danger far exceeding those given broad media coverage. If any serious threat existed from "Islamic fundamentalist terrorists" in the US, the fact that every car carries a tank of high explosive argues that such a terrorist threat does not exist, at least not at the present.
Explosives are everywhere, readily sold to any consumer without question. Consider, for example, the energy in a small tank of liquid butane or propane, not to mention the truckloads of gasoline, home heating fuels, all carried by commercial truck and rail in daily shipments.
It is necesary to mention a few examples of these simple but potential threats, in order to show that the announced effort of the present administration to declare a war on terrorism, in order to prevent acts of violence against the homeland, is only a fantasy, a political ploy, not only because the agency created to prevent such acts of violence and destruction is impotent, but because obviously the need for it does not exist.
If there were a tangible terrorist threat inside the US at the present time, it would be obvious. During the period of active protest against the Vietnam War, there were more than fifty acts of protest involving malicious damage at draft offices, post offices and other federal buildings every week.
The present contains the potential for a decline of security, and the attitude of the present leadership encourages the wit of the ten million to make mischief as it can in the world. The ten million have neither respect nor fear of the lying leaders and their military might. The assumption that they and their associates are incapable of effective opposition against military technology is the unquenchable fuse that burns under the present world. The war on terror was declared much as a magic show, designed to entertain and reassure the frightened audience.
It has been largely a foreign show of new weaponry, directed against innocent victims of different cultures, different languages, in distant lands. It is said to be a show to protect the homeland, to prevent pain among the voting populace. To the military it is sold as a time of testing new weapons, training in new technology, to keep the soldiers sharp. One must go to the Arabic web sites to see the maimed and killed babies, the horror of indescriminate bombing, said by the lying leaders to be in retaliation of earlier patriot acts.
While the lying leaders of the ignorant West talk of non-existent organisations, over the corpses of dead and innocent men, women and children said to be terrorists, arresting any angery relative as a terrorist without evidence, charge or trial, firing at anyone who shouts or gestures to indicate opposition to their murders, the ten million look on, their minds active in determination this madness must cease, by whatever means. This is the most disturbing al-qaeda of the future. It foretells of a time to come that is not one of hope, but is to be a period of falling fortune for the arrogant, for humility of the proud and arrogant, for the belated and reluctant acceptance of human brotherhood by the racists of every kind, for painful awareness by the rich and greedy of the equality of all mankind.
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