March 20, 2004
Here are 32 reasons to vote against the BN:
1.The same Judges are on the bench.
2. The same Ministers are in offfice.
3. The same police are in office, and the so-called investigation of the police has brought no charges for the numerous murders, beatings and rapes they have committed.
3. No criminal charges have been made against the known political criminals for 22 years.
4. Mahathir is still in control of Petronas and its massive oil money. He diverts its revenue as he pleases to build Putrajaya, Twin Towers and KLIA, to mention only a few of his major ego projects. He takes billions of Ringgits of the public's money, without asking any approval or giving any accounting.
5. M still controls Umno (the Umno Presidency, Umno Treasury). There have been no annual reports of Umno finances since Mahathir became Umno President and Treasurer. The assets and property of the old Umno were transferred to him and Daim as the 'new Umno' and nothing has been seen or heard of these assets since. When M retired, he gave no accounting to Pak Lah, nor to the members of Umno. Pak Lah has said nothing of this irregularity.
6. The same Umno party 'moneymen' are still in power (vice-presidents, Daim)
7. The 30 year contracts given to croneys are still in place. Even after official audits revealed gross cheating and fraudulence, there are still no prosecutions, no cancellations. Thus the croney's are still fleecing the government
8. Pak Lah is still both Home Minister (he controls the Police) and Finance Minister (he controls the Treasury, and all Federal Funds).
9. All new appointments are to people in the Mahathir and Daim camp.
10. Bribery by foreign corporations are not investigated (large 'consultancy fees' to false 'consulting firms' are not investigated). Commissions to government officials are illegal, but allowed.
11. The 'Bumiputra shares' of corporations are just a cover for transfer and theft by M & Co.
12. The Banks still cover massive thefts, called 'loans', absorbing losses from rotten loans they were forced to give to M & Co, Umno member's, their families, and cronies.
13. M still has access to the Petronas plane and crew. He and his family fly free, with a paid crew, around the world, whenever and wherever he likes.
14. The talk of a legacy of development is spurious. There is only a legacy of corruption, failed institutions, of putting men in power and authority who are both avericious and lacking in any ethical or moral standard. These men are still in office. The country is heavily in debt, and future proceeds from oil are forfeit to clear them.
15. Any honest man who speaks out against the corruption is punished, often by imprisonment. Prisoners are mistreated and deprived of all human rights. Those who object to this mistreatment are prosecuted.
16. Murders are committed against Indians (and others) for political ends. None of these cases are ever properly investigated and no one is ever charged.
17. Anwar Ibrahim, the former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister who knows the truth and tells it, is still in prison, and denied essential medical attention he requires.
18. The legal profession is in shambles. The eminent judges were discharged in 1989 and replaced by know-nothing puppies who use the law reprehensively. The jury system has been eliminated, allowing the corrupt judges to misadminister the law. No Malaysian attorney can explain or excuse the present state of Malaysia's system of jurisprudence. Those who report crimes are themselves subject to charge and imprisonment.
19. The police and military are corrupt, from top to bottom. Honest men are driven out. Advancement is not given to those who are open and honest. Those loyal to the corrupt leaders get favourable assignment, advancement and even receive royal honours for acts of murder.
20. Criminal files are kept as threats against any man caught in unlawful activity. Rather than prosecuting these criminals, the files are kept as blackmail to coerce and control them, forcing their future loyalty and obedience.
21. The Malaysian educational system is in tatters. No educator can speak freely without criticism and threat of discharge or greater punishment. There is thus no freedom of thought.
22. Students are often arrested without charge. Students are intimidated, and prevented from discussing the corruption they see in the political arena.
23. The Civil service is in ruins. A fireman was recently discharged after making allegations of misuse of department resources.
24. The ISA law is used against opposition members and critics. It is used wrongly, in that it is only legal during a 'state of emergency'. There is no state of emergency, yet Pak Lah defends it.
25. The Sultans and members of the royalty are suppressed and coerced into silence and conformity.
26. Islam is ashamed. The pretense that UMNO represents the high Islamic principles of the Malay Muslim community is clearly a fabrication, a sham.
27. The newspapers are forced to suppress the truth of the matter. Journalists are not allowed to investigate any malfeasance. If they report a corrupt practice in the government, the story is quickly killed. If they act as investigative journalists, reporting the truth of corrupt practices, they are sacked. Politicians own and control the press, radio and TV. Even the theatre is censored. There is no freedom of expression other than the internet, and the web is harrassed in every way possible.
28. Capable Malaysians are afraid, and do not speak out, some for fear of punishment, others having hope of gain and preferment by keeping silent. Government civil servants know the truth, but fear to speak publicly.
29. Public service retirees, police and military especially, all know the truth, and often tell their knowledge of the lies and corruption that is going on in the country. Many of them were opposed to such practices when they were in active service, but they were unable to prevent the frequent thefts and murders.
30. M became PM illegally, a group of his associates stuffed the ballot box when others turned out the lights. He has stayed in power illegally, by not running in any party election for his office, and also protecting his appointed deputy from risk in Umno party elections. Mahathir has demeaned democracy in Malaysia. He is a consumate liar, unable to tell the truth about even so simple a question as whether his sons and his wife's relatives benefit from his support. He is the cause of the great imperfection in Malaysian politics, and is the reason for the destruction of any real democracy. Pak Lah protects him from responsibility and accountability.
31. Pak Lah portrays himself as a good Muslim. The Tabung Haji pilgrim's fund lost RM 600 million in a scam related to the purchase of land from Indonesia during the time M's brother-in-law was Chairman. This loss of the savings of Muslims preparing to go on the Haj has not been reported, nor has there been any attempt to recover the funds. This theft is a matter of serious importance to Muslims. Pak Lah says he is against corruption, yet he has not mentioned it. It is only one example.
32. Pak Lah said that he would issue a White Paper that revealed the facts regarding the Al Ma'unah and Kampung Medan sandiwaras. These scandalous government-sponsored dramas killed and injured numerous innocent people. Pak Lah and Najib were directly involved, and they know the truth. The murders of five Indians in Taman Intan a few days after Anwar was arrested were arranged by Umno to distract attention from Anwar's arrest. It was said that the victims had kidnapped the son of a notorious Umno vice president, but the police did not allow the 'suspects' any opportunity to present a defense. They were all murdered by the masked men of the Special Squad, including a pregnant woman cooking in the kitchen, so that there would be no witnesses to tell the truth. The next day, another six Indians were ambushed in Netting, all killed by masked policemen, though the Tumpat police were told to accept responsibility. The story told by the government was all a fabrication, and Pak Lah knows it.
This list is short. It could be extended indefinitely.
These gangsters, murderers, and thieves now ask the rakyat to re-elect them, using public funds to advertise, and hiring thugs to intimidate the courageous men and women of the opposition.
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