Have you filed a polis report?
What for, it's a waste of time. The polis don't act.
Did you file a polis report?
Why not?
Because I notice that people who file polis reports have polis reports filed against them.
Did you file a polis report?
Yes, I'm here because I want to know what is the status of it.
We are investigating.
But it has been two months.
We are investigating. We have to be thorough.
Have you filed a polis report?
Yes, I want to know what is happening.
We turned it in to the Attorney General's Office.
That's what you said three weeks ago. The Attorney General's Office says they don't have it.
Just a minute. Yes, I was wrong, here it is.
Why haven't you sent it in?
We are still investigating.
What are you investigating?
We need to be careful; we need to interview more witnesses.
How many witnesses do you need; the victims went to the hospital with injuries.
We are investigating.
Did you file a polis report?
That's OK, someone filed one for you.
What does it say?
It says you are a sex criminal.
What? That's insane!
Well that's what it says.
Who filed that?
A minister.
What minister?
A minister.
Let me see that report.
I can't, it's an official secret.
You mean I can't see a copy of a polis report that some minister has made up with charges against me?
Not exactly.
What does that mean?
The charges are not completely filled in ... in detail.
Why not?
We are still looking for the witness.
Who is the witness?
It doesn't say.
How can you find a witness if you don't know who to look for?
Don't worry, we will find them.
There might be more than one.
How can there be more than one if the charges are false.
More than one witness may be required. That's the law. By the way, you're under arrest.
What! Do you have a warrant?
How can you arrest me without a warrant?
We need you to help in the investigation.
What investigation?
Of the crimes you are charged with.
Do you mean you want to arrest me so that you can get information from me to convict me of false charges?
We need to investigate. Come with me.
I need to call my lawyer.
That's not possible.
Why not?
We have the right to hold you for 24 hours without a lawyer.
How can you do that?
It's the law. If you give me trouble I will charge you under the ISA and keep you without trial forever, so shut up and don't give us any trouble. Take off your clothes.
I said take off your clothes!
Right here? In front of everybody?
Take off your clothes, I said, or you'll be sorry.
[To be continued, next year or the year after.]
The url of this page is https://harunrmy0.tripod.com/19PolisRpt.html