If a search should be conducted worldwide, looking for an example of the deepest depravity a human may sink to, Malaysia, in the person of its ministers, offers many a candidate deserving of consideration. One minister is master of the international lie, another daily demonstrates the inumerable injustices the law is capable of, while yet another is a thief of exceeding talent. None, however, has greater claim to the title than the long lasting leader of the country, the Prime Minister himself.
A man of manifold talent, he daily demonstrates to the world what perversion the brain of man may adopt, given the slightest monetary stimulation. Those who observe his smiling lip twists, the casual posturings before his captive public of fawning party members, are often awed by the originality of his political oratory. He daily produces such spoor as are seldom seen among the fauna of this earth.
There is no beauty, no art, he cannot despoil. His mind is such that nothing is beautiful or true. Nothing life offers is beyond his ablity to convert it to excrement. In any selection for the man most vile, most filled with guile, most acrid with gall, most odorous of rotten gangrene, most cracked with insane cruelty, Malaysia's Prime Minister is the prime choice. He gets the gold for greed and grime.
Today he draws special attention to his wasting talents, because he has reached a new depth of damnation. None thought it possible, yet there it is. There is nothing further he needs to do to deserve his legacy of vileness, of wickedly evil soul, displayed through despicable behaviour and speech. He can retire, unsurpassed in rank odor and natural foulness of spirit.
The Prime Minister, in his official capacity, has addressed the issue of a thirteen year old girl held by Malaysian Immigration officers. She was in their custody and trust during a broad operation to remove illegal immigrants from the country. Everyone knows the immigrants were earlier given fake ID's so they could vote for his party.
They were impounded, and eventually expelled because they took jobs from citizens in an economic downturn. Now they are allowed to re-enter because it is remembered that an election is coming, and their votes needed again. The girl and her family are caught up in all this, seeing their homes and property destroyed in the process. They were herded into concentration camps, and generally treated as criminals, while awaiting transport back to the Philippines. During the period they were held, the daughter was repeatedly raped by the Immigration Officers. She brought this to the attention of the Philippine authorities. They filed a formal complaint with Malaysian officials.
Mahathir, given this opportunity for honourable behaviour, instead chose his customary course of cruelty and crassness. He denounced the girl, implying she invited the offense, suggesting she was responsible for the conduct of the Malaysian officers. They are excused, she is at fault. This is his legacy of Malaysian justice. He knows no shame. He is incapable of feeling pain. He is a monster.
It is known that young girls are fair fodder for his ministers. It is known that those who come to their defense are themselves charged and sent to prison. It is known his police are capable of any foul and felonious act. It is known he always excuses them, covers up their crimes, rewards their loyalty. All this is known, carried right to the graveside of his innocent victims.
Now we know more. We know that to him young girls are ripe fruit for the plucking by his police. They may take the girls while on official duty, in national uniform. Repetitious rape is allowed, the Prime Minister says, because the girl aroused the natural ardour of his officers. According to him, the repeatedly raped young victim invited the crime by unduly exciting the passions of his officers. He condemns the young girl, and excuses the crimes of his loyal officers, saying she is "a girl of the streets," pointing his frail, vile finger at her crying and quivering frame in the presence of her parents. He implies the girl charged a fee. In doing so, he shows himself a fiend.
"We do not know what she has been doing," he says, implying that she has sufficient experience beyond her years to beguile his steady and stolid policemen to abandon their honour, and that of their country, as they despoil a child entrusted to their custody. He makes her responsible for their acts, though she was unable to defend herself against their aroused passions.
A glaring fact condemns Mahathir. She reported the events. If the girl is not innocent, was enjoying or charging for her services, why would she report them as rapes? He ignores this aspect, deciding instead to be a villain. The public is not fooled. We know what the brutes did, why they did it, and that they have probably been doing it all along to others. We know most of all that it is a terrible crime. The rapes must be condemned, not categorically denied.
The Prime Minister, the highest legal officer in the country, in deliberately overlooking the crime, shames the country further. To overlook this crime is total dereliction of his duty. It is execrable. For this denial all Malaysians are ashamed. It generates a feeling that is impossible to describe with words. Words are too sanitary, too devoid of descriptive detail, too honest, too clean, to fully capture the nausea, the putrid distaste that is aroused. It is as though he has done the deed himself. He makes it appear he himself is capable of it.
It is not just his deceitful, lying nature that offends, it is his insensitivity to the feelings of the girl. What horrible harm has she suffered while in the custody of his officers? How will these brute acts affect her future life? How can he not consider these things, along with the agony of the parents. Can't he think how they must feel at this great injustice? What manner of beast is he, that he cannot see and feel the pain of this family?
This feeling of vomit, as though caused by the smell of rotten meat at its most foul, this tightening in the stomach, is brought up by the merest thought of the Prime Minister. He often travels abroad, and the reason is clear, the people cannot eat when he is around. When he is away, it is a blessing and a relief. The children are wont to spit when the TV carries his face. Everyone, the children, the adults, the strong, the weak, the old, the blind ... all fight to hold the stomach contents when his voice is heard. Never in Malaysia's history has one man been able to generate such a strong repulsive reaction in others, one so gargantuan in its dimensions.
Even those who know nothing of him, when they hear, cannot control the disgust and revulsion they feel. They too, though strangers, feel this horrible sickness that arises in the soul. But let me stop. I cannot control my spleen. Give him the crown of crap, and let him go. May a thousand camels piss on his grave.
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