Let me quote The Star Online to avoid transgressing the bounds of 'baseless allegations and rumours.'
"PUTRAJAYA: The National Security Division of the Prime Minister's
Department yesterday launched its Malaysian Bulletin website to
counter negative and inaccurate reports about the country."
(The Star, June 21)
It was launched by the chief secretary to the government. Then the director-general of the National Security Division gave clues for its conception and insertion into the Internet. The Internet has readership. The Internet is where the battle is to be fought.
The government website promises to 'give explanations', from 'the right perspective'. The subject matter is limited to 'matters or issues frequently exploited regarding the country'.
Its goal is to 'counter propaganda' and 'accusations against the country'. This refers to Malaysia. The ceremony was held in Putrajaya, in the Prime Minister's Department. The government, in response to failing influence in the printed media, has come online.
Welcome to the turf. Come with clean hands. Prepare for hard questions. Or you will soon be gone. That is the nature of things in these uncensored international waters. Official websites that practise deceit camouflaged as public relations languish in the backwaters. Get a counter. It will be an accurate gauge of integrity and sincerity.
This new website will be put online in two phases. The first phase features articles selected from the local media. While simple, this appears redundant. There is also the promise of foreign news articles. This challenges faith. Just post the URLs.
Phase two offers to present articles 'produced by the division'. These will not be propaganda, but the best efforts of the Division of National Security. The articles are to present the truth about the government of Malaysia. Writers are needed. Particularly in demand are 'competent officers in the field of analysis'.
This tempts me to apply. Not that I am competent in analysis, just writing as I see things from a personal perspective. I would do my best, working from the inside, to present the government's case.
Presently there is a total disregard by BN advisers to the fact that Malaysia is not a civilised country. I could counter this effectively if given the facts. Please contact me here at malaysiakini. Because links are to be used, perhaps a hotlink to malaysiakini would be sufficient.
The new National Security website is expensive. It is part of a massive effort 'to change the attitude of a section of our community who believe ...'
I have a suggestion that will save a 'great deal of time and money'. Why not try honesty? Why not try truth?
Rather than fret about changing public perceptions of government lying, cheating and stealing, why not just change the government? In the meantime, there would be more public satisfaction in all quarters if the ministers would stop lying, cheating and stealing. This approach is not only people friendly, it is simpler, though I admit it does not pay as well.
My suggestion will not be welcome. There is the matter of power. It is so addictive that it can only be wrenched from a death grip. There is the matter of prosecution for laws broken in public service. Problems in this area explain a great deal that happens in Malaysia.
There is also the troubling matter of forcing the civil servants to lie to protect the ministers. Perhaps the website will address this as either a rumour or an allegation. It is not baseless.
The url of this page is https://harunrmy0.tripod.com/13Wlcm2Turf.html