An Act Of Cowardice
by Harun Rashid
Nov 8, 2000

May we hear from the home minister?
May we hear from the justice minister?
May we hear from the youth minister?
May we hear from the transportation minister.
May we hear from the religous affairs minister.
They are silent.
They are all silent.
Very silent.
Strangely silent.

Guiltily silent.

Why? Why? Why?

We want to know.
Why did this happen?
How did this happen?
What is wrong with us?
Who is responsible?

We want to know.

Peaceful citizens traveling on the roads are stopped ... pulled from their cars. Our women and children are tear-gassed in a cruel display of naked force. Our citizens are beaten with clubs. Fathers carrying their children are struck on their heads again and again until forced to drop their children from their protecting arms.

Why? Why? Why?

The terrified children watch as strangely clad aliens drag away their parents. The children wander in panic among the cars, screaming at the chaos and senseless brutality.

What can be said to justify such madness?
What excuses can be offered to explain away this depraved departure from decent demeanor?


Nothing can be said.

That explains the silence.

It is an act of cowardice. It is an act of barbarity. It is cruelty at its most stark. Do the ministers approve? Certainly not. Do they not have children? Do they not have wives and sisters? Do they not have mothers and fathers? What can the ministers say? Nothing. They can say nothing. They can only look with lowered, shaded and shame-filled eyes at each other, and at their brothers. They are unable to face their mothers.

They have sent these forces of repression to deny their fellows the basic right to peaceful assembly. The injured were denied medical care. Bludgeon and let bleed, that is the police policy. May we not hear from the health minister? Should we build new hospitals?

The police were educated in Malaysian schools. Is this what they have learned? May we hear from the education minister, and from his deputy-with-portfolio? Should we build more schools? Should we encourage our teachers to instill civic virtues? Children learn best from example.

The police are mainly Muslims. They pray five times each day for guidance from Allah. Yet this is their action. Is it Allah who directs their hand as it bashes a club into the head of another Muslim brother until it breaks and bleeds?

May we hear from the religious affairs minister? The current roadshow from Jakim goes from government department to department describing deviations from Islam. Is this not deviation from Islam? Have they failed to visit the police?

May we hear from the IGP? Officers of the police join the Jakim as the second half of the morality campaign. They show a video of bodies buried. The sub judicial implications are that this horror is not condoned. Yet again and again it is the police themselves who are doing the shooting. They are providing the bodies for burial. They are doing the beating. It is they who are extorting confessions under torture, using electric prods and rubber hoses to torture and turnover. It is they who are mistreating innocent people under detention in cruel and inhumane conditions. It is the police who are repeatedly throwing cannisters of tear gas into police trucks packed to standing room only with our helpless citizens. This is cowardice. Who is responsible?

Why? Why? Why?

We want to know.

The ministers wives have recently returned on a public-paid Petronas plane ride to Iraq, where they offered compassionate aid to suffering women and children. Now, in Malaysia, a gentle and gracious woman, known to them all to be without malice, has been shot at while sitting defenseless in a wheelchair. May we hear from the minister's wives?

The mainstream media has mostly missed the massive misuse of Malaysia's mindless and misdirected might. For them there is only pity for their muzzling. Journalists daily allow the distasteful mis-direction of their talents. Theirs is a conscious choice. They turn their heads voluntarily. They knowingly close their eyes. The most important event in Malaysia today they voluntarily miss. We do not ask to hear from them.

But the ministers ... they are elected to lead and represent the interests of the rakyat. We expect them to provide security and protection against violence. We do not feel safe.

We want to know why.

Why? Why? Why?

Let us hear the truth from the ministers.

Or be they cowards all?

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