The Malaysian Liar
by Harun Rashid
May 9, 2002
A famous logical paradox is known as the "Cretan Liar Paradox", in which a Cretan says, "All Cretans are liars." We now investigate whether all Malaysian Ministers are liars.

Let the government deny that the UTK exists, and that the killers wear black ski masks to hide their identity when they are sent out to kill Malaysian citizens. Let them deny that senior police officers at the scene give them orders to kill everyone who might be a witness, and that UTK members are rewarded for this grisly work.

Pak Lah, with a straight face, says there is no repression of the media, when everyone knows that the Printing Presses and Publications Act is used to control and censure the editors and reporters. The misuse of the public TV channels to lie and cover up political and police misconduct is a national disgrace.

There is a law against perjury. Let the ministers repeat their remarks under oath. If found to be 'in error', will they recant, pleading ignorance of the facts and the law? Today they speak with certainty, but what of tomorrow? They lie with confidence that the media will not expose them.

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