Dividing Up The Spoils
by Harun Rashid
Sept 27, 2000

"Where are you going, Mahmoud?"
"To the stadium."

"No, you can't go there."
"Why not?"
"Because it's Theirs."

"Why is it Theirs?"
"Because They said so, that's why."
"You mean I can't go there because it's Theirs?"
"That's right."

"Well, I think that's wrong."
"Be realistic, They get the first choice of things."
"Because They bought the last election."

"So what ... just because They bought the last election, does that mean They own everything?"

"Now why is that?"
"Because They say so."
"You mean that if you buy the election that gives you the right of first choice of everything?"

"Does that mean I can't go there anymore?"
"Oh, no. You can still go there."
"But you just said that I can't go there."
"Don't misunderstand me. You can still go there whenever They tell you it is OK to go there."

"But how will I know?"
"Don't worry, They will tell you, if you ask."
"Do I have to ask every time?"
"Not always ... there are signs."


"What kind of signs?"
"Big signs."
"Like what? What are the signs?"
"Well ... they are big and coloured, obvious to the casual observer."

"Like what, give me an idea what to look for."
"OK ... some might be blue and white, with a big can on it. The word 'Pepsi' will be on the can."

"Yes, I've seen those. What else?"
"Look for the red and white signs. They say 'Marlboro' in giant letters. The red and gold ones with a soccer ball and the word 'Dunhill' is also a good sign."

"Yes ... I've seen those on the LRT."
"Right ... so you can use the LRT whenever you want to."
"Is the LRT Ours?"
"No. But we can use it, if we pay."
"We have to pay because it's Theirs."
"You are getting the idea now."

"Something sounds haywire here. If I have to pay to use something, doesn't that mean I have the right to use it when I want to?"
"Not exactly."
"What does that mean?"
"It's a little confusing, I admit. But They will help you. Besides, there are general rules."

"Such as?"
"Well, for instance, you can use a lot of things if you are careful how close you are to the others."
"For instance, when you are in a crowded place, just make sure that there is a space between every three people."


"Are you kidding me?"
"No, They have made this a rule just to be helpful. When you go to a big event, just leave every fourth seat empty, because otherwise They can arrest you for an illegal gathering."

"That doesn't sound practical. Why would They want such a rule?"
"They say They must be careful of race riots."
"Well ... that's what They say."

"What about at the stadium. They sell the tickets, don't They? Don't They sell tickets for every seat?"
"That's different."
"How is it different?"
"They are selling the tickets, that's what is different."

"So if They are selling the tickets you don't have to leave every fourth seat empty?"
"That's right."
"Suppose We are selling the tickets?"
"You can't sell the tickets without a permit."

"What kind of permit?"
"A permit to gather together."
"Race riots again."

"Come on ... you're kidding me."
"No, They say it's a real threat to national security and stability."

"So you have to get a permit from Them?"
"Same reason ... They bought the last election. Owners' rights."

"How do you get a permit?"
"Ask at the nearest police station."

"How will the police know whether to issue a permit or not?"
"Don't worry ... they know. I think they make a phone call."

"Whom do they call?"
"They call Them. The police work for Them."

"I thought the police worked for Them and Us both."
"You are old enough to know better by now. The police work for Them."

"Why is that?"
"Because They say so, that's why."
"I don't think that is right. The police should work for everybody. Isn't this a free and democratic country?"
"They say it is. And They bought the last election."


"I'm going to ask my teacher about this."
"Please don't."
"Why not?"
"You could get the teacher into a lot of trouble."

"Why would I get the teacher into trouble by asking a simple question?"
"Teachers must be very careful. Education belongs to Them."
"That's right. They have officials who monitor everything the teacher says. If the teacher isn't careful They will hold an investigation for sedition and treason. The teacher could go to jail for life, or even be killed."

"Say it isn't so ... "
"Sorry, my friend, but that's the way it is."
"Is teaching popular?"
"It was."
"But now?"
"The older teachers just adjust by skirting around anything sensitive. They have learned how to duck and dodge."

"How about the younger teachers?"
"There is a little sadness. The lack of academic freedom rankles. It conflicts with their sense of fair play. It prevents them from living up to their ideals. Some think the educational system is a poor place to work. Many are looking for an opportunity to leave."

"Are there openings for teachers?"
"Oh yes ... lots of openings, more every day, in fact."
"Who hires the teachers?"
"They do."

"Do the teachers need a permit?"
"Yes ... but in this case it's called a licence."
"And They give out the licence, right?"
"Now you are getting the idea."

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